Tuesday, 17 November 2015

another lesson learned today......

 from these 2 “Egyptian hunting dogs”, as JB calls them.
I whistled for them and they gladly followed to join me for my daily walk.

I was apprehensive before even starting my walk.  The thick heavy clouds were down, so I didn’t have “much sight” ahead.  There was no phone signal (so how could I call for help in an emergency?)  Just yesterday an elli uprooted a mango tree close by, to get to the ripe ones at the top, and to top it all the locals had told me that they are around and quite “tipsy” from eating the fermented mangoes, so afraid of nothing! Mmmmm

I was adding another km today to my route so was a good 4 km from any habitation.  All was going well, I was doing all the right things, giving thanks for all the beauty etc etc, when I heard a faint rustle in the bush to the left of me, it slowly got louder and louder, small branches were breaking and the birds became quiet.  My heart started racing, my brain became numb (no sense!), my body paralyzed from fear.  I stood staring, waiting for the inevitable to come crashing through the bush, and out runs the little black dog, tail wagging, happy to find us.  I started laughing, then……. How pathetic I am!

But it’s another lesson I need to learn.  I preach it to the person I need to preach to the most.  I preach to me….

I was already nervous…. What informs us, forms us.
Fear paralyzes, making us unable to think clearly.  It plays with our minds, falsifying information and making them hugely exaggerated.
Fear prevented me from noticing the obvious signs that “all was well”.  The little brown dog was sitting at my feet wagging his tail, anticipating his friend to pop out the bushes.
Most of the time, fear has no grounding and its “nothing really!”

I find it’s a daily renewing of my mind….  It seems to dissipate fast! Like ice in this Gabon heat….
Removing the fear, replacing it with faith….
Removing despair and doubt, replacing it with delight and gratitude…
Removing skepticism and replacing it with trust.
He is able…

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