Wednesday 28 October 2015

Granadilla like flower in the wild........

When JB has an opportunity to leave his office and visit one of the many different cattle camps on the ranch, I grab my camera and jump at the chance........  This morning whilst he was busy looking at the new calves, I wondered off to explore.
 Everything is so different to the "Africa I know", plants, trees, birds, animals, even different parasites in the flowing rivers, people and of course, the language.  It's all very "alien" to me......
I came across this creeper on the ground, with a flower so similar (but smaller) to the ordinary granadilla.  They told me they eat the fruit, which is similar to a gooseberry.
I have a common granadilla growing on our fence and its flowering right now, so took a quick snap of the flower just after a shower of rain.....

These awful green grasshoppers are eating my vegetable seedlings as they pop out of the ground....

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